If a member broker of ICIWorld has a property that matches the description of what you are lookinig for, would you like them to contact you?
If a member has a buyer that matches what you have for sale or lease would you like them to call you?
Then you should place your Haves and Wants into Database 2. It is free to do so.
There is a lot of business being done.
Ask a member for more information on any listing in Database 2 FSBO Area.
Only Executive Members can provide the ultimate in networking on this service.
Only Executive Members have full access to Database 2 FSBO Area.
Proof of success? The largest sale at one of the largest real estate boards in the world was $28M. ICIWorld Executive Members have done two deals over $50M. We simply suggest you should include ICIWorld in your marketing plans if want a chance to achieve the best price and terms.
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400 EMail List Servers to choose from.
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Do not choose more than two cities, choose a region or area of those two. That way you only get one EMail with the new listings.
The Digest method means if there are 2 or 10 listings today placed, you will only receive one email with the new listings in it.
If you would like assistance, we have a free 15 minute appointment you can make for a help. https://appointment.iciworld.com
Social Media Also Can Remind Us
Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, LinkedIn
Social media helps to inform, educate, communicate however it is also a reminder for you to search the latest real estate Haves and Wants daily or, you can be missing opportunities to do deals and not realize it.
It is also easy to forget to maintain your information so that it works 24/7. Only by keeping them less than 90 days old otherwise you are missing opportunities to connect and do business.
The ICIWorld International Real Estate Newspaper is delivered Saturday mornings 5 AM EST by EMail.
Enjoy it with your morning cup of tea or coffee. Everyone we talk with indicates that you too will always find one or more articles of inferest or of value.
May we suggest the business section first.
We appreciate your feedback.
Information Listing Service - Real Estate Brokers
ICWorld.net, Inc. (Since 1994) 18 King St. E., Suite 1400,Toronto, ON M5C 1C4 CA
USA 954-317-2327 Canada 416-840-6227 416-214-4875